Rucker Building (dem.)
158-160 Auburn Avenue
Sweet Auburn Historic District, Atlanta, Georgia
Original Owner: Henry Rucker
Built: 1904
Cost: $5,000.00
Architectural Style:
Original Use: This building served as the first black owned office space for African Americans on Auburn Avenue.
Readaptive Use: The building had to be demolished in September of 2001 when a vehicle lost control and ran into
the front support column causing the building to collapse. The building had been weakened by
water entry.
Recorded dates:
1852 - Nov 14. Henry Rucker is born a slave in Wilkins County, GA.
1866 - Arrived in Atlanta with family and attended the first school for freedmen held in the Tabernacle Church
Building on Armstrong Street (now Jenkins Street).
1880 - Henry Rucker serves as a delegate from Georgia to the Republican National Convention in Chicago.
1887 - Rucker purchases a home on Piedmont Avenue.
1897 - Rucker is named by President William McKinley as collector of internal revenue, the only African American to
ever hold this position.
1904 - Rucker builds a 3-story office building on the corner of Piedmont Avenue and Auburn Ave as the first office
building for African American's and owned by African Americans in Atlanta. It is constructed of red brick
with retail space on the 1st floor and professional office space on the 2nd and 3rd floor.
2001 - After the week-end proceeding 9/11 the building was demolished. There is an empty lot at the buildings
original location at this time.